Our Mission


Our vision is to build a community where people with disabilities can connect with one another, have someone to talk to and have someone who understands how they feel. We also want to educate others about disabilities whether it's learning about the different types of disabilities, about a specific disability, or if your just curious about all of it. Many people don't think much about disabilities when it does not effect their everyday. That's why, with Tru Faces, we want raise awareness about disabilities and break the stereotypes surrounding them.

We are Based on 3 Pilars


We strive to educate individuals and organizations about disabilities and issues that the disability community faces through presentations and conversations. 


We listen to our community memebrs to find out what issues the disability community is facing and use our platform to advocate for these issues.


We focus on connecting individuals with disabilities together to strengthen bonds and connections, and know that you are not alone in your journey.

Getting Started

Why We Started Tru Faces

We started Tru Faces in November 2018. We started it because after attending a blind school in Brantford for weekend programs, we began to understand how important it was for individuals with disabilities to feel supported and connected to their community. Having that connection can make going through something like vision loss or hearing loss feel less frightening and lonely. We knew how good it made us feel to talk to others with similar challenges that we wanted everyone to have that same feeling and support. 

Why "Tru Faces?"

When first creating Tru Faces one of the things we obviously needed was a name. We believe in not hiding who you truly are, or staying true to yourself, and originally our plan had been to focus on the facial difference community so we used true faces. The “e” in true got taken off because apparently that instagram username was taken. We have also since changed the idea of just focusing on facial differences and expanded to all disabilities to create more inclusion and diversity to our page.

Meet Emilee

I'm Emilee! I'm 22 years old and I was born with Cone Dystrophy, a genetic retinal condition that causes me to have 20/200 vision, be light sensitive and completely colour blind. I have about 12 pairs of colourful sunglasses to help with that.  

As far as hobbies, I love spending time with my family and outdoors. I also enjoy being active and volunteering in the community. I competed in pageants and was Miss Personality Eastern Canada 2022 and am the Vice-Chair of the CNIB National Youth Council.

My disability has never stopped me from doing anything, including starting Tru Faces with my sister. 

Meet Hannah

My name is Hannah and I am 19 years old. I was born with a condition called Goldenhar syndrome. I was born without my right eye, so I have a prosthetic eye that looks like a real one. Because of Goldenhar syndrome my face is also asymmetrical, or in other words I have a facial difference. Let’s see, what am I forgetting...oh! I also have no hearing on my right side. 

I have had 6 surgeries when I was very little that I hardly remember and just recently had another for a cheek implant. The surgeries were to help make my face as symmetrical as possible. 

I have attended multiple camps and programs specifically for kids with facial differences, hearing loss and vision loss, and from those I have learned more about my condition, made amazing friends and found an amazing support system. After these amazing experiences I wanted to do something for people that are in the same position I was a few years ago.